
Welcome to the A/V room. Below you can click on the video and audio links to hear Wiens mandolins in the hands of some great players, and at least one not so much.  You can set the relative volume levels of each track and A/B the clips if you wish. Enjoy!

Wiens Mandocello #50

Demonstration by Jamie Wiens

Wiens H5 Mandola #49

Demonstration by Dan Beimborn

“Cranbrook”- Timothy Hicks on Wiens F5 #26

Timothy Hicks playing his original composition “Cranbrook” on Wiens F5 #26 in 2012.

Tim acquired Wiens F5 #26 by chance on the pre-owned market and loved it enough to write this tune with my hometown in mind. It means alot to me. I love the tune, and I think he gets a great sound out of this mandolin. FYI #26 is a Virzi’d F5 with a Adirondack soundboard and Slabbed sugar maple back.

“Redwing”- Jeff Rose on Wiens F5 #12

Jeff Rose of Detour Bluegrass playing the classic fiddle tune “Redwing” on Wiens F5 #12 back in 2006. Jeff searched high & low for a mandolin that had what he was looking for and settled on Wiens F5 #12 for a time. This instrument has an Adirondack Spruce top and one-piece slab Red maple back from Ted Davis’ legendary stash.

Ronnie Mcoury on Wiens F5 #30

Ronnie McCoury noodling around on Wiens F5 #30 in an informal setting in 2011. Recording was made on a Roland portable field recorder. Wiens F5 #30 has the hardest Adirondack Spruce soundboard I’ve ever used, as well as a very dense 2-piece sugar maple back.

“Leather Britches”- Josh Pinkham on Wiens P5 Piccolo #15

When I finished the first Wiens P5 Piccolo in 2003, Scott Tichenor suggested I let 14-year old Josh Pinkham check it out for awhile. Josh had only been playing for 2 years at this point but was obviously a wunderkind. I loaned the instrument to him and he was kind enough to give me his impressions and send me this incredible recording of him playing “Leather Britches”. Josh is doing wonderful things these days with the Jeremy Kittel Band

Tony Williamson on a Loar and Wiens F5 #22

I had the pleasure of meeting Tony Williamson at Supergrass/ Loarfest 2006 in Bakersfield California. He was kind enough to come to my buddy Dan’s hotel room and record a comparison of the Loar F5 mandolin he had with him, and my latest mandolin at the time, Wiens F5 #22. The first mandolin you will hear Tony play is his Loar. At about 2:00 onward he plays the Wiens mandolin. It’s an interesting little clip and Tony’s playing is simply beautiful.

“Tom Bhetty’s Waltz”-Dan Beimborn on Wiens F5 #23

Dan Beimborn & I spent 2 years colaborating on his Wiens F5 #23. He was the inspiration behind me trying to build Loar replicas rather than just contemporary “F-style” mandolins. When He finally recieved his mandolin, he recorded this little ditty on #23 for me.